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Best Time for Visiting Galapagos For Different Activities

You can visit Galapagos almost any time of the year as the weather of this island remains mild during all year round. However, depending upon your activities that you have planned you may choose your time of visit accordingly.

Periods during January to June will offer you terrific conditions for the activity like snorkeling, as the sea remains calm and also temperature is warm during this period.

During the months between July to December the weather remains drier and cooler and hence, it can be right time for hiking along the Galapagos islands coast and also through the highlands.

All through the year is ideal for exploring few remarkable marine as well as wildlife of the planet that this island offers.

Basically, in this island, typically there are two main seasons:

  • Hot season
  • Dry season

The temperature for the year-round remains quite warm, but the climate is not so much like tropical countries.

During the hot season, which is as mentioned above mainly during January to May end, you can enjoy the beautiful green shade in Galapagos. Following are the conditions during hot seasons:

  • Warm temperature and higher precipitation
  • Mostly in arid highlands you will notice lush vegetation
  • Intermittent and also refreshing rainfall almost daily
  • Bright sunlight, sultry heat and vibrant colors.

During the dry season prevailing during June to November following are the weather conditions

  • Humboldt current strengthening
  • Marine life will be very active because of increased food supply
  • Skies will remain silver color and weather conditions will be very comfortable
  • You will see shade of brown.

Best time for hiking

You can find so much for exploring in any island you visit, and during the end of hot season you will find increase in number of visitors in the Galapagos as vegetation becomes lush and temperature cools down.

However, during dry season months there will be fewer tourists and more breeze which is very comfortable for hiking.


Those who are interested in birdwatching may prefer to visit during hot season, when currents are not too strong as seas will be calmer.


The months between December to February will be ideal months to spend more time under the water and you can find plenty of things to see. July to August are also good for watching marine activity.

Other activities

Those interested in mountain biking, kayaking and paddle boarding can indulge in these activities year-round and widely available aboard.

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